Thursday, May 25, 2006

Do I make you proud?

Well, my season long, very unhealthy obsession with American Idol is now over....Yes, I know I'm too old for that crap but it is such a fun show! Last night Taylor Hicks was crowned the American Idol, and then he got to sing that really obnoxious song about making you proud. I'm avoiding the radio all day so I don't have to hear it. Now, right before Ryan Seacrest announced the winner he mentioned that American Idol had more voters than any US President. Now I know we're all shaking our heads and saying that is a shame but maybe it is a sign. Maybe America needs to get with the program...Think how many more people would vote if they could sit on the couch and text their presidential vote to 1-866-donkey1. Or what if the Democratic National Convention allowed the top three choices for presidential candidates to give speeches, a few news anchors ripped them a new one on live TV and then we get to vote by phone to determine the winner. Throw in a few stars like Clay Aiken singing the National Anthem and suddenly you've got yourself a blockbuster election season...

1 comment:

Sara Kirby said...

Love the photo! Brilliant idea!