Monday, April 02, 2007

I've been tagged!

In a recent email my Offical Pal challenged me to share six things about myself that others may not know...So here's my list:
  1. I love a good pedicure- toenail polish will fix anything.
  2. I can and have eaten a whole bag of double stuff oreos in one sitting.
  3. I do a darn good impression of the Brittney Spears Hit Me Baby One More Time dance.
  4. Cooking is not my strong point.
  5. I've been known to skip events and classes to go to the beach.
  6. I absolutely cannot subtract without a calculator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love me a nice pedicure too. Nice massage chair, nice.

I used to cut school and go the museum. How nerdacious is that? Yes, I've officially coined the word nerdacious on your blog! You lucky thing.

A WHOLE BAG? Whoa....whoa. OSP clutches heart in sympathy pain.